Monday, October 10, 2011

Codeless Development

Most programmers never welcomed the very idea of clicking to get their jobs done. Some still hold on tight to the opinion that real programmers don't click, they code. Those who clicked were deemed not to be real programmers.
Technology has evolved and most programmers are left with no other option than to change to adapt to current trend of software engineering practices-codeless development.
Microsoft developers were deemed as lazy folks since almost 95% - my prediction - of the job is done for them when they click. Other companies had to look smart to attract developers with the clicking-to-develop methodology. From NetBeans to Eclipse to Oracle JDeveloper Studio to Qt ... and the list goes endless, everyone is empowering programmers to go codeless. I have been telling other developers who have prejudice against codeless software development that they will phase out.
I got this from  a three times champion developer from a codeless training workshop - forgotten whether that guy is a champion java developer or nokia developer - that last years nokia developer challenge was won by designers who spent six weeks in bringing out their application. Other started for months stressing their bones out. At the end of the day the clickers won the game.
Come on, if doctors use sophisticated technology to treat their patients, it doesn't mean they don't know doctoring. As developers, we are at the heart of empowering others to work smarter. We will be despecable folks if we live a chemotherapic coding lifestyle by working super slow with old, archaic and unproductive methods.
Codeless all the way!

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