Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Handling "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded" in PhpMyadmin

Phpmyadmin caches pages and if one encounter the "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded" on a page, that page will be shown every time they click on that url. Apache restart or quitting all services and shutting down wamp or xamp won't solve the issue.
The solution
  1. Open that link in a new tab.(You will see the page with the error)
  2. Change the token value in the navigation textfield. You will see something like token=8318feae751e3db846d6a703cf6bc757  change just one of the token characters example 8318feae751e3db846d6a703cf6bc757 changes to 8318feae751e3db846d6a703cf6bc758
  3. Press the enter key
With this done you can get access to the page and do your stuff.