Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Working Smarter

We are in a fast-paced world where everything depends on working with speed. That is the main reason why IDEs like NetBeans is one of my favorite when I am working on Java or PHP projects. One developer I know run away from an IDE which stresses developers up before they can get things done. He said everything in there required configuring this and that.
On the contrary,  everything in NetBeans is about automated tasks. That guy is mad about NetBeans and says he wonders which IDE can attract him.
I think the issue of IDE preference is all about what someone has trained themselves to love using. But trust me on this: some are easier to use than others and it depends on the task one is performing. I jump form one IDE to another to work smarter based on the task I have at hand.
One should explore and know what to use when the need arises. And if one becomes a seasoned IDE user like me they will not hate any IDE because it has stressed them in one way or the other.